How Do You Find Out What Content Your Audience Wants?

A woman with along brown hair in a plait is wearing a blue shirt and has a thoughtful expression on her face.

You know your target audience, but you still aren’t ready to write! Next you need to consider the content your customers want to read.

While you could write an interesting piece of content, if it doesn’t help your target audience, they probably won’t want to read it and they may not even find your website.

People usually search the internet to find the answer to a question, which will often provide the solution to a problem. So you need to work out what challenges your customers may face and what problems they may be looking to solve. These problems are known as pain points. Your content can then help your customers to overcome their pain points.

How do you identify content needs?

If you have an established business, you may already know the problems faced by your customers. But if you don’t, you could look on related social media pages to see the questions your target audience asks and the discussions they have there.

If you already have a blog or social media account for your business, you could look back to see which content has generated most engagement from the number of likes, comments and shares received.

You could run a short poll via your website and social media pages to find out about the challenges your customers are up against. You might also use keyword tools to find the questions people ask about your area of business.

From this list of problems, you can decide the topic most suited to your blog and social media pages.

By understanding your customer needs, you build trust. And by creating unique and useful content, you can set yourself apart from your competitors.

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